November Goals

3:08 PM

Hello November! I don't know if I can say this enough, but this is my favorite time of the year. I've recently been having allergy problems (yuck), but I'm still holding up.

October was a rather stressful month for me. I got sick multiple times and got behind on school work. I sense many changes coming the month and I will keep you all updated! :)

November Favorites 

  1. Spend time with friends and family 
  2. Organize room 
  3. Switch to Bloglovin'
  4. Create a budget 
  5. Work on time management 
  6. Work on photography 
  7. Do some baking 
  8. Volunteer 
  9. Post on blog consistently
  10. Try things outside my comfort zone 
What are your goals this month? 

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